Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What is New Media?

What is New Media? The question should instead be : Who is New Media?

For decades and centuries mediums have given us the information we needed to get by on a day to day basis. New media or Modern media is no different. Now-a-days with the internet, cell phones and websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.  We get information from any spot we can take it from. Entire worlds in our pockets connect us to each other.

What do you mean by entire worlds Daquan?

Well i mean the fact that out cell phones are more powerful than any computer built before the 1980s. How we can connect with anybody from anywhere across the world. All on a screen no larger than 6" sometimes.

What does that say about new technology?

 It says that new technology has become more personal and integrated into our lives than we ever thought. It took over our video streams, our social lives, our news, and there is no limit as to what new media can do. It all starts with the new technology. The more advanced we get with the technology the more connected we become. but the more connected we become we must stop and think: Does it disconnect us even further. have we become to co-dependent on Technology and New media that when its gone we will no longer know how to function. It's a devils advocate situation, because it is the new media that makes this blog what it is, and what makes ME aware of situations like those. New media here to help us, not for us to help it.

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