Thursday, September 27, 2012

Advancement in Communication Devices

From the telegram, to the telephone, the Cell phone, and one day perhaps telepathy, communicating with fellow man has always been one staple of social behavior we seem to not be able to live with out. Over the decades it has become extremely easy to reach people half way across the world, and connect. With the invention of the phone we were able to call, and have full on conversations with friends and loved ones with being present in each others company. The invention of the cell phone saw that same concept taken mobile. Now with the rapid advancements of cell Technology we can look at the person, tats not in the same room as us(Video chatting),  or reach people with a single tweet who live in India. My project is to analyze this Advancement, and see the road it has taken along the human existence  and to see where it WILL take us next.


  1. I think you are so right with development of technology and especially the cell phone. I like that you said, the invention of the cell phone saw that same concept taken mobile. Now with the rapid advancements of cell Technology we can look at the person. I think pretty soon were going to have built in cell phones in just ear plugs and we can use our arm to dial.

  2. i think this is a cool idea. and first trials of telepathy might be microchips that can sense brain waves and know what i person wants to say and then wirelessly transmit it to another person. I saw something like this where some guy appeared on shark tank with this invention of a wireless cell phone that is implanted into peoples brain. at the time it sounded very ridiculous and dangerous. but now it seems like that is the path society and technology is heading
